Education and Academic Experience
Australian National University 2003 - 2006
Bachelor of Philosophy with Honors in Theoretical Physics, December 2006
Thesis: Cosmological Models of Modified Gravity -
Cornell University 2007 - 2012
Master of Science in Physics, February 2010
Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical Physics, January 2013
Thesis: The Thermodynamics and Fractional Statistics of the Spinor Bose Gas -
Cornell University 2012 - Present
Postdoctoral associate, Center for Radiophysics and Space Research (CRSR)
References available upon request.
I am currently working as a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University, where I work closely with Professor Éanna Flanagan, Professor David Chernoff, and Professor Rachel Bean. My PhD supervisor was Professor Éanna É. Flanagan. His supervisor was Kip Thorne, whose supervisor was John Wheeler. I have a very esteemed academic genealogy! If you go back far enough, I even have Gauss!